Womens Drysuits

Bare Sports’ line of women’s drysuits offers a wide range of options so you can scuba dive wherever your sense of adventure takes you.  But which drysuit would work best for you? That largely depends on the water temperature you plan to dive in and your personal tolerance to the cold. Let’s go over various temperatures

Cold Temperatures - Trilaminate Women’s Drysuits

If the water you plan to dive in is below 14 degrees Celsius, you should consider getting a trilaminate drysuit. These suits are made with three layers of fabric, each with unique water-proofing elements, that are bonded together. There are numerous benefits to diving with a trilaminate drysuit. The multiple layers of fabric offer optimal insulation. Plus, the suit’s fit is loose enough that you can add an additional base layer underneath, leaving you comfortably warm even in the coldest depths. While trilaminate drysuits seem like they should be reserved for the most technical divers, anyone who wants to be secure and insulated during their dive can benefit from having one.

Average Temperatures - Neoprene

For temperatures above 21 degrees Celsius, you can choose a neoprene suit.  While neoprene drysuits will keep you relatively insulated even in cold temperatures, they only rely on the thick neoprene material and your body heat to keep you warm. This method of insulation can be much more effective in waters that aren’t near-freezing temperatures. Really any drysuit will do in these kinds of waters; neoprene is simply a more economical option. So if you aren’t planning on taking arctic plunges any time soon, a neoprene drysuit will work just fine.

Get Your Women’s Drysuit Gear Today

Once you’ve chosen your gear and figured out how you want to configure it, you’re finally ready to start exploring. If you have any questions about our line of lady’s drysuits or about any of our other gear don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Trilaminate | Womens

Hyper-Compressed Neoprene | Women

Quad-Laminate | Womens